改变数据库用户sysman(该用户是DB Control Repository 的schema)password的方法
How To Change the Password of the Database User Sysman (DB Control Repository Schema) (Doc ID 259379.1)适用于:
Enterprise Manager for Oracle Database - Version to [Release 10.1 to 11.2] Enterprise Manager for Oracle Database - Version to [Release 11.2] Information in this document applies to any platform. 目的: sysman的口令被加密存放在多个地方,因此。the Database Control (OMS and Agent)能够在不须要sysmanpassword的情况下能够訪问database。 所以,当改动sysman口令的时候,新口令必须提供给the Database Control OMS and Agent.假设新口令没有更新给the Database Control OMS and Agent, oms将不能訪问数据库,而且在trace file中。你会注意到以下的错误:
2012-05-31 13:50:13,513 [PAFStartupThread] ERROR conn.ConnectionService verifyRepositoryEx.891 - Invalid Connection Pool. ERROR = ORA-01017: invalid username/password; logon denied2012-05-31 13:50:20,717 [HTTPThreadGroup-4] ERROR conn.ConnectionService verifyRepositoryEx.891 - Invalid Connection Pool. ERROR = ORA-28000: the account is locked 2012-05-31 13:50:20,764 [HTTPThreadGroup-2] ERROR eml.OMSHandshake processFailure.806 - OMSHandshake failed. (AGENT URL = = INTERNAL_ERROR)(CAUSE =java.sql.SQLException: ORA-01017: invalid username/password; logon denied本文解释了在不断开Database 与 Database Control的情况下,改动数据库用户sysmanpassword的方法。
注意:Enterprise Manager 10g 已经进入扩展支持。oracle强烈建议升级你的环境到Enterprise Manager 11g or 12c。
Enterprise Manager 11g or 12c 如今是处于premier Support(翻译成:首先支持?)范围:
全部使用Enterprise Manager DB Control 10g or 11g的数据库管理员。细节:
注意:安装在 Windows 2008 / Vista上的 DB Control Release 及其更高版本号,emctl 命令可能会失败,错误是"Permission Denied".该错误的解决方法,请见以下的文章: Document 1164293.1 - Executing Any EMCTL Command on Windows 2008 / Vista Returns "Permission denied" Error 第一种情况:Database Release prior 这个用户是 the standalone repository of the Enterprise Manager DB Control 的 schema
为了确保你是在正确的数据库中改动了sysman口令,请检查环境变量ORACLE_SID是否被设置,环境变量 ORACLE_HOME 是否被设置,PATH是否包含 正确的 $ORACLE_HOME/bin 请改动sysman口令时严格遵守例如以下的步骤。否则。你的DB Control 将会执行异常。 1.停止 DB Control On Unix $ emctl stop dbconsole On Windows Stop the Windows Service OracleDBConsole Or Open a Command Window and type C> emctl stop dbconsole 2.确认DB Control 已经被停止: On Unix $ emctl status dbconsole On Windows Check the status of the Windows Service OracleDBConsole Or Open a DOS Command Window and type C> emctl status dbconsole 3. 使用dba 权限登陆sqlplus。运行例如以下的语句: SQL> alter user sysman identified by <password> ; 样例: SQL> alter user sysman identified by rainbow ;4.检查新password是否能登陆到db中
SQL> connect sysman/[@database_alias] Example: SQL> connect5.到$ORACLE_HOME/host_sid/sysman/config中
5.1 将emoms.properties 文件做一个备份emoms.properties.orig 5.2 编辑emoms.properties文件: 5.2.1 查找以以下内容开头的行: oracle.sysman.eml.mntr.emdRepPwd= 以新password(额外注:明文不带;号)替换掉加密后的值。 样例:oracle.sysman.eml.mntr.emdRepPwd=rainbow 5.2.2 找以下的行: oracle.sysman.eml.mntr.emdRepPwdEncrypted=TRUE 用FALSE替换TRUE 6.重新启动 DB Control On Unix $ emctl start dbconsoleOn Windows
Start the Windows Service OracleDBConsole Or Open a DOS Command Window and type C> emctl start dbconsole7.检查password已经被加密:
查看$ORACLE_HOME/host_sid/sysman/config/emoms.properties文件 7.1 搜索以以下开头的行: oracle.sysman.eml.mntr.emdRepPwd= 确认password已经被加密 7.2 搜索以以下开头的行: oracle.sysman.eml.mntr.emdRepPwdEncrypted= 确认该值是 TRUE 另外一种情况: Database Release beginning sysman 这个用户是 the standalone repository of the Enterprise Manager DB Control 的 schema 为了确保你是在正确的数据库中改动了sysman口令。请检查环境变量ORACLE_SID是否被设置, 对于 DB Control Release 11.2 以及更高版本号来说,你须要将环境变量ORACLE_UNQNAME设置为数据库參数DB_UNIQUE_NAME 的值 你必须检查环境变量 ORACLE_HOME 是否被设置,PATH是否包含 正确的 $ORACLE_HOME/bin 请改动sysman口令时严格遵守例如以下的步骤,否则。你的DB Control 将会执行异常。 1.1.Stop the DB Control On Unix $ emctl stop dbconsole On Windows Stop the Windows Service OracleDBConsole Or Open a Command Window and type C> emctl stop dbconsole2. 确认 DB Control 已经被停止
On Unix $ emctl status dbconsole On Windows Check the status of the Windows Service OracleDBConsole Or Open a DOS Command Window and type C> emctl status dbconsole3. 使用dba 权限登陆sqlplus,运行例如以下的语句:
SQL> alter user sysman identified by <password> ; 4. 确认新password: SQL> connect sysman/[@database_alias] 5. 在database directory $ORACLE_HOME/bin文件夹中,运行: On Unix $ emctl setpasswd dbconsole Provide the new SYSMAN password On Windows C>: emctl setpasswd dbconsole Provide the new SYSMAN password6.重新启动DB Control
On Unix $ emctl start dbconsole On Windows Start the Windows Service OracleDBConsole Or Open a DOS Command Window and type C>: emctl start dbconsole